Whether it is a small victory or a big one,a small achievement or a major one,a dedicated participation or a successful attempt,a special day of your life or you value each day or something that makes you simply happy & you wanna express your gratitude ,everything calls for a celebration ,small or big in your own way.That's what I believe.
So,today it's been 3+ months of blogging ,10K + page views .So,thought of simply celebrating it (you see it's called self-motivation :P) or say finding an excuse to celebrate :P.
So,any celebration is not a celebration if it doesn't have something to eat and moreover something sweet.I made my all time favorite cake,red velvet cake ,yet another "mug" cake and kinda sugar free again in a microwave within 2-3 minutes max.How does that sound ??
Don't know about you,but I am speechless and couldn't have asked for more/better.
As you know or if you don't, Red velvet cake is a cake made with cocoa, buttermilk, flour, vinegar, and red food color which gives the cake a dark red , bright red or red-brown color which is sure to lure you to eat the cake without any ifs and buts.I ditched the unhealthy red food color and went natural way,used the beetroot juice instead.
I made them in two small tea cups .One for my so called celebration and second cup in the sweet remembrance of the late Hollywood actor , Paul Walker , who died in a (just like his well-known movie name) "Fast & furious" car accident in the weekend :((.
Well,I was not a big fan or even remembered his name properly until I saw the movie series of ,"Fast and furious" ,which is like one of the most adventurous,interesting and famous movie (super speed car racing and chasing) of every movie lover. I became a fan of his ever since then.
Don't know, there was something special in his character in that movie, he is of course one of the most handsome guy in the movie but there was something different, like tough yet tender, composed yet romantic, a fierce undercover agent cum car racer/lover yet a subtle human being...The next series is not going to be as interesting as it used to be without him.. Miss you Brian O'Conner !!
It's strange the way all these actors and actresses touches our life ...especially when they (infact anyone) are gone, for me ,it's like someone I knew quite well :(..it aches!!..." When someone is alive people take them for granted BUT when they are gone ,we appreciate them more ."...only thing they can't hear us anymore .........gone never to return...
Paul Walker was not only the hunkiest and awesome Hollywood actor but also a great philanthropist and he died during a charity event organized by his own charity organization ,"Reach out worldwide" , a noble cause(for Philippines) , a noble death indeed !!!
RIP Paul Walker & his friend who died with him !! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers . It hurts .........
Red Velvet Mug Cake
Unsweetened cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons
All-purpose flour - 1 Cup
Baking powder- 3/4 Teaspoon
Egg, Large- 1 No.
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Beetroot juice - 1 tablespoon
Ready made Vanilla pudding - 1 tablespoon
Buttermilk - 3 Tablespoons
Pure vanilla extract - 2 teaspoons
Sugar free/Stevia - 3/4-1 cup
Salt a pinch
Any vinegar - 1/4 teaspoon
2 greased microwaveable small tea cups
- Grate the Beetroots and grind them to extract the juice and keep it aside.
- In a bowl, whisk together the egg and oil until frothy. Keep it aside.
- Stir in the beetroot juice,buttermilk,vanilla ,pudding and sugar/sugar free.
- Add the flour,cocoa, salt and vinegar.
- Beat the batter until completely mixed and smooth.
- Divide the batter into two greased microwavable tea cups.
- Microwave separately 2-3 minutes each until risen and firm.
- Enjoy with a dollop of cream cheese or whipped cream (which I ran out of :-/)
- Note
- 1. Never fill the cups more than 1/2-3/4.
- 2. Use microwaveble cups/jars/ramekins/bowls.
- 3. The cake will rise and deflate later on ,expected .The final mug cake should be firm and springy kind of consistency.
- 4.I used ready made pudding to make it extra soft and moist.
- 5.You can use red food coloring if you don't have beetroot juice for the ultimate color.
- 6. If not cooked properly,microwave for another 15 minutes or until cooked.
- Hope You'll like it.
- Eat,love,live well,