25 July 2015

WOW – A day in the life of a rag-picker

a day in the life of a rag picker
Image courtesy - The Darkroom

When you were complaining ,no time - for gym or fresh homemade meals for your family,I woke up at dawn,

When you were complaining about your old car,cycle and bike ,I was walking barefoot from home ,far and gone,

When you were complaining, how much work you've to do even though you get full salary ,I was surviving on pennies earned from the garbage near and far away from your lawn,

When you were busy creating environmental pollution that you didn't care ,I was busy cleaning your mess and enduring the toxic zone ,

When you were complaining about the hygiene of the Govt. hospitals,I wished if I had a chance ,my mother wouldn't have died of complications and my sister would have born ,

What do you know what being rude is,ask me, when you give me a furious stare and change your tone,

Yes, I am illiterate and dirty but not a beggar or a thief ,what laws do you have as a human and a Govt to adorn,

When you waste your food , I am secretly praying to at least feed my hunger with whatever you've thrown,

When you have roof ,food ,family ,I have nothing to rely on,

You have TV,computer,theater,bar to entertain yourself ,I smoke local beedis,sniff a drug or two ,sleep with women,screw my health ,well, who is there for us to moan,

This is my life as a rag-picker which you can hardly understand and I can go on.....

P.S - I've been writing poems since schooldays,just like this,I love when it rhymes ! I don't know if it really sounds like a poem but behind my every silly writing is a hidden message ...Hope someone will be able to unlock it somehow :D...This poem is based on my observation during my recent visit to Mumbai ,also research in internet , Bollywood movies...

P.P.S - This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.