I've an ae-dil-hai-mushkil relationship with sweets especially Indian sweets especially especiallllly North Indian sweeets .💞😉😍 I am sooo glad we Indians have festivals from (almost) month to month and every celebration calls for something sweet to create sweet memories .😎😜
When I was little ,being in North India,surrounded by great neighbors ,at every festival ,everyone of us would share the sweets and snacks prepared for the occasion at home with each other.How I loved my neighbors more on those days ! 😁 I probably looked like a puppy starring at the food with a wagging tail 😋 ( in my case a wagging tongue ).
It was during Diwali I used to get a bunch of varieties of sweets from all my near and dear ones .How I looked forward to it ! And most importantly,I am so grateful to my parents for raising me and bhaiya in North India where Diwali is celebrated the best than the rest .
I've so many fond memories to cherish forever. Our small city we spent our childhood in, our little (company) quarters we lived in ,surrounded with neighbors from different states of India ,I had the best childhood ever .It was less but it was best !
The way my father would decorate our house with crepe papers on wall outside as if it was a birthday celebration 😅 ,every year ,he would religiously paint by himself the wicker furniture of the living room in green and yellow only 😄 and with a final touch of a hanging red colored see through star ..Oh myyy😂 ...Mere papa mahaan 🙇( I am LOLing but these memories are what makes me nostalgic every year ).
Amma/Mother used to make all kinds of sweets especially Gulab jamun which would disappear in no second and everyone knew who is the paavam culprit - me me MEE (whaat..YOU guessed it 😎😉)...No wonder why I looked like a gulab Jamun 😐...I am again getting there 😢.
Bhaiya/Big bro would be busy with all kinds of crackers especially to terrify the hell out of me ..ye bhai log bole toh..akka ek no. ke don hotey hai😏😈
I would be very happy that I get my sweets,good foods,good movie in TV ,lighting diyas ,sparklers and trying my bit to scare my bro with small crackers to no avail and most importantly NO STUDIES ! eeehaaa..apna toh boley toh fultu aish tha bhai behen log
Fast(no low)-forward today,being far away from my motherland ,India,I miss her the most on festivals..dil hoom hoom karein,ghabrayein....This Diwali was the worst as something weird crazy feelings messed up my mind and heart..silly me 😠 ..I just wanted to go to India so badly ..Good thing,to snap out of this ,I am gym-ming it out,the only way to declutter my stupiiiid mind.
However,I forced myself to celebrate in a little way especially for my daughter but even she didn't enjoy the festival as all the cracker sounds scared the hell outta her .
This Diwali I didn't cook anything grand .Cooking wise it sucked big time .Pheww..However, the highlight of the festival was my choco-badam burfi/double layered chocolate Almonds fudge .This Almond burfi is very easy ,quick,little healthy and quite tasty to make .Well,they got finished before Diwali though😁.
Nowadays,I eat sweets,snacks for breakfast as it gives me ample energy to keep up with my little Kardashian oops my little lady with nau nakhras 😀..No offense to Kardashians though,ppl may call'em drama queens etc but I like the fact that they are them without any pretense and they have a "I don't give a darn attitude to haters" ...kuch toh log kahengey logon ka kaam hai kehna,chhoro bekaar ki inn baaton ko kahi beet na jaayein rainaaa...and it inspires me ...that's what helps me to go on ...
Anyways,today's recipe is Choco-Badam-Barfi .Let me show you how I make this Almond barfi at home .
Chocolate Badam Burfi|Chocolate Almond Fudge
Almonds,peeled - 1 cup
Milk - 3/4-1 cup
Cardamom powder - 1/4 Tsp
Ghee/Clarified Butter - 1 Tbsp
Cocoa powder (as per chocolate powder taste desired) - 1-5 Tsp
Edible silver leaf - 6 Nos.
Method to prepare Almond burfi :
- Soak the almonds in lukewarm water until the skin comes off .
- Peel all the skin off the Almonds.
- Grind the almonds in intervals until it is little smooth yet coarse in texture .
- Pour ghee on a pan ,heat and add in the ground almond paste .
- Saute the almond paste until they accumulate to the center of the pan as a big mass.
- Divide it into two parts.
- Put one part onto a butter/wax paper .
- Add the cocoa powder to the second part of the almond paste and mix well until it turns brown in color.
- Flatten and shape the plain almond paste on the butter paper .
- Flatten,knead and shape the cocoa almond paste and put it on the top of the plain shaped almond barfi.Press it to seal them together.
- Decorate with edible silver leaf .
- Refrigerate to set.
- Remove and cut into barfi shapes .
- That's it my choco-badam barfi is ready !
Also,my website crossed 1 Million views lol..I've no idea how?..Angels at work I believe ! It is good to see that but equally I am very nervous and tad embarrassed about my sloppy writing style .
Sometimes I just wanna hide all my writings\posts just to myself ,the other days I feel like ,this is me,this is my style of writing and it is ok and let everyone read...whatevaa ...same thing in Youtube ,I want to be seen yet I want to hide ...God was really in a messed up mood when he created me ....but still I love the imperfect crazy coy me 😘...Thx to all those who dare and care to read my blah blah blog ..I lub You 💖🙏
And I would like to conclude my thank you lecture with a small dedication to the "Actual topic"😎 -
To my dearest sweets,
कितने भी तू कर ले सितम
हँस-हँस के सहेंगे हम
ये प्यार ना होगा कम
sweetssss तेरी कसम 😜💞

P.S. What I wanted to post on Diwali ,I am posting on Halloween ...sprinkling little sweetness to this dark festival..What say ?