Food for thought : " It doesn't matter if you win or lose,it's how you bake the cake ."
True that ! It is not about winning or losing ,it is about the process . It is about the details .It is not about the fancy in cooking ,it is about the basics,,the simplicity ..It is not just about the "WOW" factor ,it is more about the minute particulars hidden in the "HOW" factor !! I think this is exactly what my mom truly believes in ..that .."Cooking is an art ,it is the basics that makes it a true classic " ..down the line !! ....Though cooking with mom can be nerve racking because of her perfection meaning "attention to details"...which I despised many times...still I feel like I don't know anything when I cook with her...of course ,not yet reached to match my mother's caliber...what I know for sure is if my foundation is strong ,her guidance and consistent practice will make it perfect someday !! Mom seconds that and appreciates my effort now !! And that keeps me going no matter what...
Have you ever baked something and you had to use like dry fruits,nuts,fruits,chocolate chips etc in baking a cake or a bread ,muffin etc and did you witness them sinking like Titanic did - rock bottom?
Oh I did several times .Sometimes I baked with chocolate chips and after baking I would be wondering,"Did I forget to add those chocolate chips in the batter?" but guess what ,I would find them all baked at the bottom of the cake rather than on top or in between .But mistakes are the best teachers ,if we are able to acknowledge the lesson behind that .
So,here are the simple tips and tricks I learned over the years ,to prevent any nuts,dry fruits,chocolate chips,fresh fruits from sinking to the bottom of the cake,bread etc while baking .
Pls watch the video that will show you the simple workaround and the other points to remember to prevent them from sinking while baking and keep them floating !
These are some tips that works for me,let me know if you have any other tips besides ,feel free to share it below and teach me . I would really appreciate that !
The difference between something good and something great is attention to detail. ~ Charles Swindoll.
Happy Baking ,