Mr.Chocolate was going through a dark phase of his life and then one fine day,he met a red hot berry pretty girl as tall and slim like a straw...Mr.chocolate blushed dark brown and melted in front of her ..and he proposed her and this valentine's day,they became one into a Strawberry Blossom ....
Well,this Valentine's day ,I made lots of cookies for the love of my life,my better 1/2 who is a better kid in front of cookies ...However,he can't eat loads of sugar ,so most of them I distribute among my friend's kids ...However,I made these healthy snacks exclusively for him made up of strawberries and dark chocolates on the Valentine's day which he loved it..I love surprising him :D
So,here is a Strawberry-Dark chocolate snack that can be made in a snap ,kids will just love it and they look so pretty that it can be served as a party appetizer especially ,you know,crowd pleasing one it is for sure...
So,please watch my video that will show you how to make a quick Strawberry snack :
If you look at my snack carefully,you will not only see the beauty outside but also inside,it has got a message -you need a good dose of sweetness with darkness to create a magic !