First they ignore you,they laugh at you,then they fight you,
and then you win ~ Mahatma Gandhi
And that basically sums up, how the father of the nation, and the great sons and daughters of Mother India won freedom from the Britishers and finally became a free ,republic ,proud nation !
Today,we are gonna celebrate our 66th Republic day .This time ,the grand Republic day celebration at the capital city,Delhi which highlights the multi-rich cultural heritage of India represented by different states of India in the form of cultural programs,Flag hoisting,parades,awards,homage to martyrs and more ,has got something extra special about it -
Like Gandhiji said,"The greatness of the nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated." And this time ,after a gap of about 26 years ,Army dogs are going to walk proud ,side-by-side to our great Army forces and not only that French troops are also marching aside and joining the celebration to make it one-of-a-kind . (Athithi devo bhava !)
Last but never the least, an all women CRPF battalions are going to showcase a spectacular dauntless motor bike ride -"Naari abb abla nahi rahi - Women are daredevils in disguise !!" -"Never under estimate the power of a common woman !!"
So,even I am gonna celebrate it in my own special little way,away from my motherland, by baking a Tri color sandwich cookie dedicated exclusively to my motherland - my Mother India ..let the pictures and the video speak for itself ...
So,pls watch my quick video that will show you how to make my Mother India sandwich cookies .The sandwich cookie recipe is included in the video ,so not repeating it.
Freedom in mind,
Faith in words,
Pride in our hearts,
Memories in our souls,
Let's salute the nation on Republic day.......
Vande Mataram,