The cookies posses the magical power to make my better 1/2 ,child like ...which I loveeee it...but at times I've to remind him that he is not ! For instance ,when we go to any Indian shops for buying grocery, we kinda split into two different to "sweets" section and he to "cookies and snacks "section .
Then we both keep on staring on those sweets,cookies and snacks respectively and remember the last lbs/kgs popping out of the weighing machine couple of hours back in the morning ...And I get really scared ,as the jeans I'm wearing is already suffocating and threatening me BUT my better 1/2 ,he would have already hidden one packet of cookie in the cart under those greeny vegetables .
You see,he sometimes under estimates me ..he always forget what an Intel inside wife he has ...You got it at least ! I catch him red handed ...And then my lecture starts ,how not that healthy they are ...and before he starts throwing tantrums ,tapping his shoes,making his face like a kid ,I promise him that today I'll be making him some cookies at home for sure .
And I always keep my promises ! So,this time I made some wholewheat egg less Cashew nut cookies .Very easy to make .Very easy to finish !!
SO,pls watch my quick video that will show you how to make an egg less cashew nut cookies .The cookie recipe is in the video .So,not going to repeat it .
Once I bake these cookies,there is a huge competition like who is the biggest kid at home and I don't think I ever stored any cookies ..usually,if I make a bunch,I would distribute it among my friend's kids,otherwise we both loose control and cookies would be on the floor ...or 5 pounds heavier ...Well,cookies are indeed magical !!